How to Promote Business Growth

There is no doubt that the pandemic affected millions of businesses globally. However, you cannot deny the fact that some businesses made a killing during the same trying times.

How do you pick up the pieces? You have to learn from the businesses that thrived while you were struggling. Sometimes we need to swallow our pride and learn from people who do the things we want to do.

Even if this person is your competitor. The fact is you either agree that you need to learn some things and do them, or go down the drain with your pride. If you are a new business owner, you need to learn about business growth.

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Time will tell what works and what doesn’t. In business, advanced technology is a must have and you will need to network with other business people.

Let’s get into what you need to do to stimulate business growth.

Understand Your Customers

I cannot stress this point enough. How your customer base feels about you determines whether your business grows or stagnates. You will need to be social, talk to them and understand their needs. 

You can also provide channels for customer feedback like using social media platforms such as Facebook, WhatsApp, Emailing lists, etc. Providing feedback is not enough, you need to act on the feedback.  

Also, you can personalize your services so people get to know you as a brand for a certain kind of experience and product. This makes customers understand that you actually value them. 

We all tend to go where we are loved and valued, don’t we? 

Great Customer Service

Picture two stores selling the same products, but one has a greeter smiling and another one gloomy. Which store would you want to go to?  I would go to the one with a smiling face. People do not need more negativity in their lives.

Therefore, if they come to buy from you, the least you could do is to greet them with a smile. It doesn’t stop at a smile, but go ahead to talk to your clients, make them feel welcome in person and online. 

People will remember how well they were treated and are likely to refer other people to you. As a business owner, ensure your customer service personnel gets to know what you expect of them. 

Somethings in business cannot be compromised like customer service. Create a good lasting impression on your clients so they keep coming for more or referring their friends and family.

Social Media

Social media is one of the greatest business tools today. With it, your business knows no bounds. Also, you get to understand what people are saying regarding your business. This is called ‘social listening’. 

Through social listening you gain insight into your customers’ insight, their behavior and what they are generally saying about your business. Also, you get to identify trends and keywords that appeal to your clients.

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Attend Networking Events

It’s important to build your networks. In business, it’s always about who you know as opposed to what you know.  Building relationships is a continuous process and you should harness it with attending networking events and hosting them. 

Let like-minded people get to know you and your business. This way they will refer customers to you.

Give Back to Community

Don’t we all love people who give back? Our communities need cleaning, proper medical care, the elderly need to be taken care of, the homeless need to be fed, etc. This work cannot be done by only one person. 

Therefore, if many people (businesses) give back to their communities, many lives will be touched. By supporting these businesses, you are indirectly also giving back to your community.

Last Remark

Growing your business is a continuous process. There is always something new to embrace or learn as well as unlearn. Don’t be rigid or get stuck in the past, otherwise you won’t survive the competition. 

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