Check Out These Tips for Supply Chain Optimization

The supply chain within an extended enterprise has slowly become quite a complex ecosystem of processes, people, and technologies. Innovative ideas have made true collaboration possible among distributors, suppliers, and partners. These have extended well beyond the normal four walls of an enterprise. Now, the most recent technological...

How to Increase the Business Valuation of a Company

A business valuation is a general method of assessing the economic worth of an entire unit of a company or enterprise. Company valuation may be used to assess a company's fair value for a number of purposes. Those purposes include market interest, partner ownership establishment,...

Check Out These Executive Leadership Classes

As a company executive, your authority, credibility, and ability to keep your team motivated and focused is extremely important. The work of a leader is to negotiate skillfully, communicate the company’s strategies, and to influence the behavior of team leaders while delivering results. An executive...

3 Ways to Start Conserving Energy in the Workplace

Running a business isn’t always about the deals closed and soaring sales. It’s also about juggling money and limiting the expenses each month. In addition to employee salary and rent, energy costs play a big role in expenses.  Because of these underlying costs, some...

How to Adapt to the 4 Stages of the Economic Cycle

  When you think of joining the business world, you must understand that you will have fluctuations. Sometimes the business will be booming, and at other times it will decline. These upward and downward cycles in business are referred to as the economic cycle of a...

Why it is Important to Establish Company Values

A company's value structure is increasingly becoming a deciding factor for jobseekers. Your culture is a determining factor when it comes to whether or not a stellar candidate wants to work with you. A strong, successful culture has the ability to make prospective employees, and...